Water and Food Bowl
Item no.: 76180 - 76184
steppe decoration
smooth inside makes it easy to clean
item no. 76180 is especially good as a water bowl for scorpions and spiders and for filling with Aqua-Gel
polyester resin, material safe for the use with food
Product detail for a product
Product information
steppe decoration
smooth inside makes it easy to clean
item no. 76180 is especially good as a water bowl for scorpions and spiders and for filling with Aqua-Gel
polyester resin, material safe for the use with food
product variant
product variant: unique product number 76180
- Measurements
- 6 × 1.5 × 4.5 cm
- Decoration
- steppe rock
product variant: unique product number 76181
- Measurements
- 11 × 2.5 × 7 cm
- Decoration
- steppe rock
product variant: unique product number 76183
- Measurements
- 15 × 3.5 × 12 cm
- Decoration
- steppe rock
product variant: unique product number 76184
- Measurements
- 19 × 5 × 16 cm
- Decoration
- steppe rock